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Postabortion Support Groups
Taxonomy Code: PN-8100.6500-670
Mutual support groups whose members are individuals who are experiencing unresolved feelings including remorse, grief, guilt or anger as a result of having an abortion and want to talk about their physical and emotional issues in a supportive setting that enables them to benefit from the insights and companionship of others who have struggled with the same issue. Groups that have a religious context may stress prayer, Bible study and forgiveness as the path to healing. Others strive to provide a neutral, non-political, non-religious environment in which participants are free to discuss the abortion experience without fear of judgment or rejection. The groups may be open only to individuals who have had an abortion or may include their partners, parents, grandparents, siblings, friends and others whose lives have been impacted by an abortion. Some groups also include those who are considering an abortion. Meeting formats may include in-person, telephone or Internet options.
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