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Vaccine Information
Taxonomy Code: LH-2700.9000
Programs that provide information about vaccines and the illnesses they prevent, laws related to vaccines and exemptions (i.e., immunization requirements for schools, colleges/universities, preschools and child care facilities as well as the conditions under which individuals can request exemptions, usually medical contraindications and reasons of conscience including a philosophical or religious belief), recommended immunization schedules for people of different ages, vaccine safety concerns (e.g., potential side effects), statistics on immunization coverage and disease incidence and/or access to official vaccine information statements that explain to vaccine recipients, their parents, or their legal representatives both the benefits and risks of a vaccine which are handed out whenever certain vaccinations are given. Information may also be available about groups that advocate for reform of policies relating to vaccination requirements and their agenda; and topics of special interest such as travel vaccines, bioterrorism, vaccinations and pregnancy, and immunization recommendations for health care workers.
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