Human Trafficking Sexual or Labor/Work

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Administrative and Support Services Center, Community Action Council

Provides a temporary emergency family housing program for two-parent and group families not otherwise eligible for other services in Lexington.

Services: Family Crisis Shelters, Homelessness Prevention Programs, Homeless Permanent Supportive Housing, In Person Assister Programs, Street Outreach Programs, Water Service Payment Assistance, Weatherization Programs

710 West High Street

Lexington, KY 40508

(859) 233-4600

Arbor Youth Services

Provides a safe alternative for children, youth and their families through emergency shelter, a rapid re-housing program, 24 hour crisis intervention, counseling and case management.

Services: Community Safe Places, Rapid Re-Housing Programs, Street Outreach Programs, Youth Shelters

536 West 3rd Street

Lexington, KY 40508

(859) 254-2501

Barren River Area Safe Space

Provides emergency shelter, outreach and support services to survivors of intimate partner violence.

Services: Domestic Violence Hotlines, Domestic Violence Shelters, Housing Related Coordinated Entry

PO Box 1941

Bowling Green, KY 42102

(800) 928-1188

Bethany House Abuse Shelter

Provides a helpline, an emergency shelter and a variety of support services including housing assistance and case management for victims of domestic violence and their children.

Services: Domestic Violence Hotlines, Domestic Violence Shelters, Spouse/Intimate Partner Abuse Prevention

PO Box 864

Somerset, KY 42501

(606) 679-1553

Cumberland Valley Domestic Violence Services

Offers services to victims of domestic violence.

Services: Domestic Violence Hotlines, Domestic Violence Shelters

PO Box 2162

London, KY 40743

(606) 843-2022

Domestic Violence Program/Safe House, LKLP Community Action Partnership

Provides a helpline, an emergency shelter and a variety of support services including housing assistance and case management for victims of domestic violence and their children.

Services: Abuse Counseling, Domestic Violence Shelters, Domestic Violence Support Groups, System Advocacy

PO Box 1867

Hazard, KY 41702

(800) 928-3131

Fleming County Mental Health and Substance Abuse Outpatient Services, Comprehend

Provides case management, psychiatry, counseling and substance abuse services to individuals experiencing mental illness or substance dependence.

Services: Adolescent/Youth Counseling, Adult Psychiatry, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Domestic Violence Support Groups, Early Intervention for Children With Disabilities/Delays, Family Counseling, Group Counseling, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Perinatal Substance Use Disorder Treatment, School Based Integrated Services, Substance Use Disorder Counseling

610 Elizaville Avenue

Flemingsburg, KY 41041

(606) 849-2212

GreenHouse 17

Provides outreach and support services to survivors of intimate partner violence.

Services: Domestic Violence Hotlines, Domestic Violence Shelters, Domestic Violence Support Groups

PO Box 55190

Lexington, KY 40555

(800) 544-2022

Healing Place, Mountain Comprehensive Care Center

Provides a safe and nurturing environment for victims of sexual assault who need shelter.

Services: Sexual Assault Shelters

Prestonsburg, KY 41653

(606) 886-1716

Hope's Wings Domestic Violence Program

Provides a helpline, shelter and a variety of support services including housing assistance and case management for victims of domestic violence and their children.

Services: Abuse Counseling, Domestic Violence Hotlines, Domestic Violence Shelters, Domestic Violence Support Groups, Individual Advocacy, System Advocacy

PO Box 488

Richmond, KY 40476

(859) 623-4095

Viewing 1-10 of 26 results (listed by best match)
