The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Crime Victim Support
Crime Victim Accompaniment Services
Programs that provide support for battered women, sexual assault survivors and other victims of crimes by having a staff member go with them when they require a medical examination to gather evidence or need to visit a police station to file a complaint or appear in court to give evidence.
Programs that provide financial compensation for people who have suffered monetary losses as a direct result of some form of violent crime. Compensation is generally available to meet unreimbursed medical and hospital expenses, loss of wages or support, expenses encumbered by participation in job-related rehabilitation or retraining programs, and legal fees; or may be unrestricted in terms of purpose. Also included are programs that help people apply for these services.
Crime Victim Notification Services
Programs notify victims of crimes, upon their request, of any change in the status of offenders including their address when first released, court rulings regarding sentence length, notice of parole or clemency-related events and proceedings (e.g., parole eligibility date, parole suitability hearing dates and times, parole decisions and conditions, parole release dates, parole violation hearings and parole revocation hearings), escape from institutional custody and apprehension, assignment to work release, release from prison, or death.
Programs that help people who are experiencing abuse, exploitation, harassment or are otherwise at risk of violence develop and adapt a personalized, practical plan that can help them anticipate and avoid dangerous situations and know the best way to react when they find themselves in danger. Some programs may target special populations such as victims of domestic violence or human trafficking.