Service Tree

The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.

Household Goods

Programs that pay for or provide new, reconditioned or secondhand furnishings for homes or apartments.

Mobile Devices

Programs that pay for or provide portable computing, communications or entertainment devices for use in a variety of environments. The devices typically have a display screen with touch input or a miniature keyboard and include personal digital assistants (PDAs), handheld game consoles, digital cameras, portable media players, e-book readers, cell phones, pagers and personal navigation devices (PDNs). Some devices offer a combination of functions, e.g., most PDAs have features which allow them to be used as mobile phones or portable media players; and smartphones have advanced capabilities such as Wi-Fi and e-book reader features and function more like miniature computers with phone capabilities.

Mobile Hotspot Devices

Programs that provide portable devices that people who need Internet access at home can borrow for designated periods of time. Included are libraries that loan the devices to patrons and Centers for Independent Living (and other similar organizations) that have received funding to loan the devices to eligible individuals who need them, again for limited periods of time. A mobile hotspot is personal device that creates a small local area of Wi-Fi coverage allowing nearby Wi-Fi devices to connect to the Internet. The device serves as a link between nearby Wi-Fi devices and a cellular data network.

Personal Goods/Services

Programs that pay for or provide new or secondhand personal necessities.

Thrift Shops

Organizations that offer new or secondhand furniture, appliances, clothing, toys and other material goods at lower than retail prices, and which often use the proceeds from sales to support other services to the community. Thrift shops accept direct donations from the public of new and reusable goods. Also included are other types of resale shops that sell secondhand but reusable musical instruments, salvaged building materials, office equipment, sports equipment, books, CDs and other material goods.


Programs that pay for or supply tools and equipment that are necessary for gardening, home maintenance, employment or other purposes.
