The Service Tree lists all services in "branched" groups, starting with the very general and moving to the very specific. Click on the name of any group name to see the sub-groups available within it. Click on a service code to see its details and the providers who offer that service.
Programs that provide a limited amount of food for individuals or families during times of personal crisis, or for people who have no food or cannot afford to purchase food at retail costs.
Programs that coordinate requests for emergency food assistance by screening individuals who apply using criteria established by the food pantries or other providers, maintaining lists of individuals who have been aided, and checking new applicants against the lists before referring them to a resource that can meet their needs. Emergency food clearinghouses help to avoid duplication of service and maximize the availability of food resources while relieving the agencies of the task of handling requests directly. Also included are programs that refer people needing food to an appropriate resource, but which are not the sole source for this information.
Programs that supply consumers with food and other supermarket products, in many cases at lower than retail prices.
Programs that provide assistance for people who want to grow their own food or maintain their own gardens on a private basis; or which offer information, technical assistance and support for individuals who have commercial establishments that are engaged in the production of crops, plants, vines or trees; raising livestock, poultry or other small farm animals; beekeeping; commercial fishing; aquaculture projects; or other similar food production ventures.
Programs that provide supplementary nutrition (which may include hot meals, snacks or milk) typically for homeless people, individuals with low or fixed incomes, older adults, children from low-income families and/or people with disabilities.