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Viewing 61-70 of 74 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

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Pulaski County, Kentucky Habitat for Humanity

Provides affordable homeownership opportunities to low-income families.

Services: Building Deconstruction Programs, Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services, Sweat Equity Programs, Weatherization Programs

246 Poplar Avenue

Somerset, KY 42501

(606) 219-2395

Pulaski County, Tenco Adult Day Training, Adanta Group

Provides a medical adult program for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities.

Services: Day Treatment for Adults With Developmental Disabilities, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

65 Southland Drive

Somerset, KY 42501

(606) 679-4782

Quest Farm

Provides day training, residential program, respite care, supported employment, community living support and community access to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.

Services: Group Residences for Adults With Disabilities, Respite Care, Supported Employment, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

100 Buddy Williams Place

Georgetown, KY 40324

(502) 535-6064

Rockcastle County Senior Citizens Center, Cumberland Valley Area Development District

Provides seniors with socialization, recreation, exercise programs and congregate meals.

Services: Adult Day Program Centers, Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Escort Programs, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Senior Center Bus Services, Senior Centers, Specialized Information and Referral

1260 South Wilderness Road

Mount Vernon, KY 40456

(606) 256-4316

Saint Vincent Mission

Provides a food pantry and senior food commodity program for David residents.

Services: Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Food Pantries, Home Gardening Assistance/Supplies, Home Maintenance and Minor Repair Services, Thrift Shops

6369 Highway 404

David, KY 41616

(606) 886-2513

Senior Citizens Center of Whitley County, Cumberland Valley Area Development District

Provides seniors with socialization, recreation, exercise programs and congregate meals.

Services: Adult Day Program Centers, Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Escort Programs, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Senior Center Bus Services, Senior Centers, Specialized Information and Referral

208 South 2nd Street

Williamsburg, KY 40769

(606) 549-5600

Somerset Office-Blind Services, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Provides employment assistance for individuals with physical and mental impairments.

Services: General Assistive Technology Equipment, Supported Employment, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities, Vocational Rehabilitation

410 East Mount Vernon Street

1st Floor, Suite 100

Somerset, KY 42501

(606) 677-4116

Taylor County Therapeutic Rehabilitation, Adanta Group

Provides a medical adult day program for people with cognitive and/or physical disabilities.

Services: Day Treatment for Adults With Developmental Disabilities, Supported Living Services for Adults With Disabilities

250 Water Tower Bypass

Campbellsville, KY 42718

(270) 465-7424

Todd County Senior Citizens Center, Pennyrile Allied Community Services

Provides an adult day program and a senior center with congregate meals, transportation and recreational/social activities.

Services: Commodity Supplemental Food Program, Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Medicare Information/Counseling, Senior Center Bus Services, Senior Centers, Senior Community Service Employment Programs, Specialized Information and Referral, State/Local Health Insurance Information/Counseling

104 Morris Weathers Road

Elkton, KY 42220

(270) 265-5935

Trigg County Senior Citizens Center/RSVP, Pennyrile Allied Community Services

Provides an adult day program and a senior center with congregate meals, transportation and recreational/social activities.

Services: Congregate Meals/Nutrition Sites, Home Delivered Meals, Homemaker Assistance, Medicare Information/Counseling, Personal Care, Respite Care, RSVP Program, Senior Center Bus Services, Senior Centers, Specialized Information and Referral

127 Joy Lane

Cadiz, KY 42211

(270) 522-8341

Viewing 61-70 of 74 results (listed by best match)
