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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

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West Liberty Office, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Assists people with disabilities to achieve employment through training services, counseling, technological aids and devices, job placement and retention.

Services: Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, General Assistive Technology Equipment, Supported Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation

563 B Main Street

West Liberty, KY 41472

(606) 743-7978

Whitesburg, Kentucky Career Center

Provides job seeker services including job search assistance, resume assistance, education, training assistance and business and employer services.

Services: Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers, Job Finding Assistance

417 Highway 2034

Whitesburg, KY 41858

(606) 633-3154

Whitesburg Office, Office of Vocational Rehabilitation

Assists people with disabilities to achieve employment through training services, counseling, technological aids and devices, job placement and retention.

Services: Comprehensive Disability Related Employment Programs, General Assistive Technology Equipment, Supported Employment, Vocational Rehabilitation

417 Highway 2034

Suite VR

Whitesburg, KY 41858

(606) 633-2568

Whitley City, Kentucky Career Center

Provides job seeker services including job search assistance, resume assistance, education, training assistance and business and employer services.

Services: Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers, Job Finding Assistance

141 College Street

Whitley City, KY 42653

(606) 376-7512

Whitley County Adult Education, Laurel County Literacy Council

Offers a variety of programs related to adult education, including GED, employment testing and training services.

Services: Career Development, College/University Entrance Support, English as a Second Language, GED/High School Equivalency Test Instruction

114 North 4th Street

Williamsburg, KY 40769

(606) 549-1989

Whitley County Health Department

Provides outpatient health care for a broad range of diagnostic and treatment services, community education and environmental services for residents and businesses.

Services: Breastfeeding Support Programs, Contraception, Immunizations, Nutrition Education, Prenatal/Postnatal Home Visitation Programs, Public Health Information/Inspection/Remediation, Septic System Permits, Sexually Transmitted Disease Screening, Smoking/Vaping Cessation, Tuberculosis Screening, WIC

368 Penny Lane

Williamsburg, KY 40769

(606) 549-3380

Williamsburg, Kentucky Career Center

Provides job seeker services including job search assistance, resume assistance, veterans services, education, training assistance and business and employer services.

Services: Comprehensive Job Assistance Centers, Job Finding Assistance, Veteran Employment Programs

1000 South Highway 25 West

Williamsburg, KY 40769

(606) 549-5009

Williamsburg Office, Cumberland River Behavioral Health

Offers substance abuse treatment and education services through outpatient programs.

Services: Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Sexual Assault Counseling, Substance Use Disorder Counseling, Supported Employment

285 Cemetery Road

Williamsburg, KY 40769

(606) 549-1440

Williamsburg-Whitley County Office, Kentucky Department of Community Based Services

Provides a variety of services and programs including family support, child care, child and adult protection amd eligibility determinations for Medicaid amd food benefits.

Services: Adult Protective Services, Child Care Expense Assistance, Children's Protective Services, CHIP Programs, Disaster Food Stamps, Food Stamps/SNAP, Health Insurance Premium Assistance, State Medicaid Managed Care Enrollment Programs, TANF, WIC

1000 South Highway 25 West

Suite 2

Williamsburg, KY 40769

(606) 549-4505

Winburn Center, Community Action Council

Provides information and referral services, access to emergency financial assistance, housing programs and weatherization.

Services: Electric Service Payment Assistance, Gas Service Payment Assistance, In Person Assister Programs, Tax Preparation Assistance, Undesignated Temporary Financial Assistance, Water Service Payment Assistance

1169 Winburn Drive

Lexington, KY 40511

(859) 294-5249

Viewing 531-540 of 548 results (listed by best match)
