Community Health Care Centers

Viewing 171-180 of 186 results (listed by best match)

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If you specify an area served the provider only needs to offer service in that area to appear as a search result. The provider is not required to be physically located in the area specified. For example, a suicide hotline will be physically located in a single building but can serve multiple areas.

Note: You may only specificy one type of location (zipcode OR city OR county OR state), not a combination.

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Note: If you receive too few search results consider running a broader search. Other service providers still might be able to help even though they do not especially serve a specific group.

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Stanton Family Health Services, Sterling Health Solutions

Provides medical and psychiatric services.

Services: Community Clinics, Family Counseling, Group Counseling, Individual Counseling, Pharmacies, Substance Use Disorder Counseling

68 East Elkins Street

Stanton, KY 40380

(606) 663-2511

Taylor Family Medical, Cumberland Family Medical Center

Provides healthcare services to the service area.

Services: Community Clinics

101 Winston Way

Campbellsville, KY 42718

(270) 465-9400

Tollesboro, PrimaryPlus

Provides healthcare services including family health and a pharmacy to the service area.

Services: Community Clinics, Pharmacies

17521 West Kentucky 9

Tollesboro, KY 41189

(606) 798-3151

Union County, Health First Community Health Center

Provides a variety of medical services including pediatric, family and internal medicine, dermatology and mental health.

Services: Community Clinics, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities

220 North Morgan Street

Morganfield, KY 42437

(270) 285-1318

Vanceburg, Fresh Start Health

Provides primary and preventive health care services, including specialized care for Hepatitis C and HIV.

Services: Community Clinics, Hepatitis Testing, HIV Testing, Medication Assisted Maintenance Treatment for Substance Use Disorders

207 Plummer Lane

Vanceburg, KY 41179

(606) 225-8200

Vanceburg, PrimaryPlus

Provides healthcare services including family health, women's health, dental, pharmacy, minor emergency care, wellness/occupational medicine and counseling to the service area.

Services: Community Clinics, General Dentistry, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities, Pharmacies, Women's Health Centers

211 Kentucky 59

Vanceburg, KY 41179

(606) 796-3029

Versailles Pediatrics and Women's Care of the Bluegrass-Versailles, Cumberland Family Medical Center

Provides pediatric and women's healthcare services to the service area.

Services: Community Clinics, General Obstetrics, Gynecology Services

360 Amsden Avenue

Suite 200

Versailles, KY 40383

(859) 873-3570

Versailles Road, Bluegrass Community Health Center

Provides complete medical care to adults and children, including counseling services, women's health and well child visits.

Services: Community Clinics, General Counseling Services

1306 Versailles Road

Suite 120

Lexington, KY 40504

(859) 259-2635

Whitesburg Medical and Dental Clinic, Mountain Comprehensive Healthcare Corporation

Provides a rural health program with numerous subsidiaries that offer a variety of medical services including pediatric, family and internal medicine and dentistry.

Services: Community Clinics, General Dentistry

226 Medical Plaza Lane

Whitesburg, KY 41858

(606) 633-4871

Williamsburg, Dayspring Health

Provides a variety of medical services including pediatric and family medicine, services for women, mental health care and dentistry.

Services: Community Clinics, General Obstetrics, Gynecology Services, Outpatient Mental Health Facilities

402 Cumberland Avenue

Williamsburg, KY 40769

(606) 549-2656

Viewing 171-180 of 186 results (listed by best match)
